Kids Martial Art classes one on one attention auckland


In our kid’s classes, each child receives one on one attention from our instructors.

We are able to do this by providing a 1 to 5 instructor ratio.

Compared to other Martial Arts gyms or class, situations kids can easily be left behind and not receive the full benefits of Martial Arts Training.

Kids Self defence and Martial arts classes


The kids are taught scenario training. They learn to talk to bullies and the steps needed to manage that situation. They learn the three “T’s, Talk, Tell, Tackle. With these steps, children have the confidence and knowledge of knowing what to do in this situation.

Best kids martial arts class Auckland


Kids learn the fun way!

Martial Arts games have hidden techniques that teach them how to wrestle a bully. If a child is having fun and learning at the same time, it’s a win-win situation.