Kickboxing Class

KICKBOXING FUNDAMENTALS - Great for beginners. Here you will learn the basics of Kickboxing such as footwork, basic strikes and defensive techniques.

KICKBOXING APPLICATION class is when we take the techniques learnt in the fundamentals class and start applying them in a controlled partner drill as well as adding in more techniques.

Jiu-Jitsu Class

JIU JITSU FUNDAMENTALS - A beginners class that teaches the art of submission wrestling. You will learn basic positions and submission within a self-defence context.

JIU JITSU APPLICATION class is where you begin stringing the techniques learnt in the Jiu Jitsu fundamentals class together into a flow drill. This class helps develop the reflexes you will require if ever in a real fight.

Kali Class

KALI FUNDAMENTALS - In this class, you will learn how to use a Kali Stick. This form comes from the Filliipines and is also called Arnis or Escrima. You initially learn 12 defensive and countering attacks.

KALI APPLICATION - After you have learnt your 12 basic strikes then we begin to apply them into a free-flow form where you start to develop your reflexes and senses against an attacking opponent.